Individual Courses


Mobile Device Cyber Education

Without the proper precautions, mobile devices can be easily looted for the information held inside. Having an easily portable device with built-in defenses is great. Knowing how to protect each of these devices is even better.


Cyber Security 101

Cybersecurity awareness training goes well beyond sending employees phishing emails and hoping they learn what email not to click on. They first must understand what they are protecting. Let our interactive cyber awareness training help them to understand the landscape of cybersecurity which will equip them with the knowledge necessary to protect their cyber presence.


Cybersecurity For Home

Many people live in homes filled with internet-capable devices that they rely on every day. As relied upon as these devices are, little is done to understand how the network layout works. Protecting these devices from cybersecurity threats is an easy way to safeguard those inside your smart home.

Free For Exes & Management

Cyber Education for Management

Key Takeaways From The 2019 Verizon Data Breach Report For Senior Executives:
Senior executives are being extensively targeted by cybercriminals and for good reason. They are more likely to have high-level privileges within their companies, so their accounts and credentials are more valuable to some.


Smart Home Cyber Education

Smart devices in your home help make everyday tasks easier. Smart devices will continue to grow throughout the years, so it's important to know how to secure your device safety in your home to avoid possible cyber threats.

Smart home technology has indeed revolutionized our lives, but it's not without its risks. In today's digitally interconnected world, the convenience and enhanced security that smart homes offer can also make us vulnerable to cyber threats. It's crucial to be aware of these risks.

Smart home cyber security education is not just important, it's empowering. With the right knowledge, you can confidently safeguard your digital haven. Without it, you could unknowingly expose your home and personal information to hackers and other malicious actors.

From understanding the common vulnerabilities and best practices for securing your smart devices to leveraging advanced security features, we delve into the essential steps you can take to fortify your home against cyber threats.

By raising awareness about the importance of smart home cyber security education, we aim to reassure homeowners that they can indeed make informed decisions and keep their homes a safe haven in the digital age.


Point-Of-Sale Cyber-Ed

"Master the art of Point-of-Sale Cybersecurity with our comprehensive course. Gain insights into securing transactions, preventing data breaches, and fortifying your business against evolving cyber risks. Enroll now for enhanced protection."


Cyber-Ed For Computer

Most security-related training courses and documentation discuss the implementation of a principle that will reduce the risk of a hacker taking over your laptop or desktop. If this process is used it can eliminate the risk of ransomware and most malicious activity on endpoints. This principle applies to computers

Free For Exes & Management

Management Cyber-Ed

Key Takeaways From The 2019 Verizon Data Breach Report For C-Suite Executives:
C-suite executives are being extensively targeted by cybercriminals and for good reason. They are likely to have high-level privileges, so their accounts and credentials are more valuable. Compromised email accounts can be used for social engineering.